Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

SAVOY CUP is an event of the company BX SWING PROD whose head office is located 60 bd joliot curie, 33100 Bordeaux, registered under the number 908 095 896
SAVOY CUP has for activity the organization of a public event

The general terms of sale apply to all the services carried out by SAVOY CUP. They are addressed to the customer at the same time as the contract of service.If applicable enclosures necessary to the realization of the service described in the future contract. In case of contradiction between the Particular Conditions appearing in the form signed by the Customer and those appearing in the present General terms, the provisions of the form are the only ones applicable.

The denominations, trade names or brands of the products remain the exclusive property of their respective holders, that is to say according to the case the company BX SWING PROD or any other who has rights.
The purchaser commits himself not to reproduce the pictures, musics or any other protected work by the rules of the copyright for any other use that of his representation within the family circle
All the technical documents given to our customers remain the exclusive property of SAVOY CUP, sole holder of the industrial property rights of these documents, and must be returned upon its request
Our customers commit themselves not to make any use of these documents likely to jeopardize the  industrial or intellectual property rights of SAVOY CUP and commit themselves not revealing them with any third party.

SAVOY CUP tries hard to describe and present the products with exactitude. However, some mistake could occur. SAVOY CUP does not accept any liability for it.
In addition, a supplier can be forced to modify a product slightly in particular to improve its quality.
Also, pictures presented on the www.savoycup.com website are not subject to any contract.
Lastly, information being reproduced on this website can be modified by the seller without notice.

Throughout the event, SAVOY CUP is committed to search and apply all the components such as defined in the contract. The obligations of SAVOY CUP regarding the compliance with the criteria can be redefined if more precise specifications are established and accepted by the parties.
SAVOY CUP is committed not to reveal the information supplied by the Customer which will be held confidential.
Any information collected within the framework of the establishment of the specifications could be communicated to the business partners of SAVOY CUP who will be committed to the same rules of confidentiality.

The Customer commits himself not to dissimulate with SAVOY CUP or its stakeholders, dissimulation which would be likely to delay, block, oppose, disorganize the project or its realization. The Customer will ensure to facilitate the access to information which SAVOY CUP would need. The Customer undertakes to respect and fulfill the particular conditions of any particular stakeholder selected and to regulate any guarantee or guarantee which would prove to be necessary before the the payment of the overall amounts owed.
The Customer commits himself not to make representations directly, before, during and after the event, to the suppliers, subcontractors, artists, staffs and collaborators of SAVOY CUP.

SAVOY CUP will receive for its service, fees of intervention defined in the form.
The customer remains however entitled to accept or not the proposals of SAVOY CUP. He can accept them in the state, ask any modification subject to the deadlines authorizing the realization of the event, or quite simply refuse the whole of the project without having to specify the reasons of them. In the latter case, the customer would immediately release SAVOY CUP from obligation towards him and cannot claim some refunding be it in full or just a part of the deposit.
A fixed allowance of 40€ will be due to the creditor for bank charges, in case of any delay payment occurs. This fixed allowance amount is added to delay penalties.
If recovery costs commited are higher than this fixed allowance amount, particularly in regard to the firm in charge of re-launched and formal notices, a complementary compensation on justification can be required.
The totality of the costs of usher procedure or any other outlay necessary to enforce the payment will remain entirely charged by the buyer.
If the customer gives up his participation in the event, deposits paid to SAVOY CUP will be refunded in the following way:

The customer is responsible for any direct or indirect damage, that himself or the participants could cause during the event. SAVOY CUP declines any responsibility of any kind for the damages (Stealing, deterioration…) affecting the goods of any kind (personal effects, equipment…) brought by the customer or belonging of the participants, wherever the goods are stored (parking, rooms…).
SAVOY CUP will be released from any obligation in case of major force would occur (strike, fire, water damages). In any of theses cases, SAVOY CUP cannot be held responsible for the direct or indirect damages related to the execution of the service(s) provided by the provider concerned, which is(are) only responsible(s) towards the Customer.
The customer declares and guarantees having full legal capacity to commit himself under the form and under the fact he is the holder of a valid civil  liability insurance act. For this purpose the customer commits himself to decline and making decline his insurers and/or any other participant if applicable, without any recourse against the organizer in any of theses above mentioned cases.

SAVOY CUP highly advise the Customer to approach his broker/agent and/or insurer in order to study with him the validity of its third-party insurance and the possible subscription to a complementary insurance concerning the event.
Cancellation because of the Customer : in case of discontinuance, refusal, or cancellation on behalf of the customer, SAVOY CUP will refund in the following way the paid sums:

  • For all passes : 50% of the amount between the 15th of January 2025 and the 15th of March 2025 included.(From the date the e-mail has been received)
    – For all passes : No refunding beyond March 15th, 2024.
    – For competitions : No refunding in case of cancellation
    For the full Pass, in case of a lack of registration of the partner indicated for the subscriber in the 10 days following the payment of the registration, SAVOY CUP reserves the right to cancel the registration of the subscriber and will refund 90% of the amount of the Full pass. The subscribed Competitions will not be refunded.
    Cancellation because of SAVOY CUP : in case of cancellation by SAVOY CUP of one or several services having to be carried out with its Customer, the company presents a professional liability insurance. In any case, it could not be held responsible for the inexecution of its obligations in the event of force majeure defined by the French civil law and in particular in the case of full or partial strike, flood, fire, computer breakdown, traffic accidents, human accidents, weather problems, revolts… In all other cases, SAVOY CUP will completely refund the sums agreed upon on the contract with the Customers.
  • Covid-19 : If the event is cancelled because of government restrictions, the registration will be reimbursed or transfered to the following year.

The Customer expressly authorizes SAVOY CUP, and all its beneficiaries:

  • To fix, reproduce, broadcast and exploit his image, entirely or partially, in unlimited number, free of charge, in the whole world, in all formats, colors and/or black and white, on all current known or to come supports, and in any current or to come ways.
  • To broadcast his image with the logo of SAVOY CUP. Consequently, the Customer insures
    SAVOY CUP against any recours and/or legal action which could form the natural people or morals which would estimate to have unspecified rights to put forward on the use of its image which would be likely to be opposed to their diffusion.
    The Customer admits being informed and accepting that the decision to exploit or not his image will be left to SAVOY CUP discretion. SAVOY CUP does not take with respect to the former and for that matter any commitment to exploit entirely or partially the recorded pictures.
    This authorization is granted for (10) years starting the date of the signature of the present contract, renewable by mutual agreement of the parties, through a written formalized agreement, and will remain valid in case of change of its current civil status. SAVOY CUP is committed to solving any possible problems related to the use of the photographs. Savoy Cup confirms that there will be no payment regarding the use or broadcast whatsoever the ranger nature of it.

Any contesting or claim can be taken into consideration only if its written and addressed to SAVOY CUP, within a period of eight (8) days maximum after the end of the event.

In case of litigation, the attribution of competence is decided by the courts in the city where the head office is located. The law applicable to the contractual relations is the French law exclusively.